3 thoughts on “Welcome Stem 2nd Graders

  1. The book airplane adventures was about a dog named ginger she got out of her chage and ran to find her famliy… and she grabs a ornge stick shse though it was a stick find more on book 50. the book Mariposa she was a fariy and she seet out to stop a evil fariy. when she got to a place she got bigger wings… also there are stamps in the bag.

  2. I liked this book because it tells you about minutes. It is a good math book because it teaches you about minutes. A minute is 60 seconds. That is how long it takes the big hand on a clock to go around once.

  3. I like this book because it tells you how to be nice to adults,kids and animals and lots of other things on earth.it is inportant to be kind to evrething!!!

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